I'm going to be moving my site to a new server, what do I need to do?
Posted by Michael G.K on 28 August 2008 03:28 AM
Before moving any site, we recommend creating a back-up of all files.

Steps for site move
  1. Copy all files from old server to new server.
  2. Copy database from old server to new server.
  3. Since the new server will have new database settings, edit content/engine/engine_config.php and add new database settings.
  4. Next open up PHPmyadmin ( or whatever you are using to access the database ) and browse 'settings' table, Next run the following query.

SELECT*FROM`settings`WHERE`name`LIKE ' Global%'

From this query you will get 4 - 5 records. You will need to modify the following records in the database to reflect the new server settings.

'GlobalHttpUrl' - URL where the cart is installed ( example: http://yoursite.com )
'GlobalHttpsUrl' -  URL to access the SSL ( example: https://yoursite.com )
'GlobalServerPath' - True server path on the server ( example:  /home/www/site_folder/public_html )

Next, delete all files and subfolders for content/compiled folder on new server.
Access the index.php file to verify the site is working.
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